About Massage Clinic Huddersfield 07990 800 400
You are looking on our page as are either thinking or needing a massage? And that’s where it should start from “ME TIME”.
You are looking on our page as are either thinking or needing a massage? And that’s where it should start from “ME TIME”.
You are looking on our page as are either thinking or needing a massage? And that’s where it should start from “ME TIME”.
We are Yorkshires 5* Premier Clinic for massage therapy only, who will pamper your body and mind.
Massage Clinic is here to help you before it gets too late.
We Specialise on muscular and tissue pain problems, whether its sports-orientated or the most common problem in people’s life STRESS. Maybe you have a trapped nerve, tension in the head, neck and shoulders or maybe an old injury that is giving you pain? Or you are the lucky one and only need to slow down in daily life, chill out and relax.
Because we are ” HANDS ON” we only require a little preparation, this saves you time and money right from the beginning. We listen to you first, familiarise ourselves with the problem and take a natural realistic approach to your needs.
Why come to us?
Each massage is specifically adapted your needs. We aim to bring the best results possible.
In today’s world people seem to forget about themselves and neglect their own needs. Maybe its time to STOP and have some “ME TIME” for a change.
Imagine today that you stop for a massage and get your time to be PAMPERED. Get home from a long day. Open the door of you home feeling a million dollars again; body fill of fresh energy and mentally ready to take on the world with a big smile on your face. That is the extra special treatment we offer that sets us apart from all the rest.
Your body is the only thing you take wherever you go.
HUDDERSFIELD Massage clinic – Call 07990 800 400
BRIGHOUSE Massage Express – call 07400 555 000
Email massageyorkshire@outlook.com
Massage Clinic ltd.
Company Number: 12495783
Mo-Fr: 10am-8.00pm
Sat: 10am-8.00pm
Sun: 10.am-8.00pm